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New Year Resolution for Married Couples

The New Year is 4 days away and we at FTK~Konnect know that you are planning your New Year’s Resolution. Have you ever thought about making New Year’s Resolutions as a spouse/couple?


Now that the idea is in your head, here is a list of 6 New Year’s Resolutions you can make for 2017 as a couple!

1) Listen more

Listening is a skill that can always be improved. Make sure your significant other knows that you care about what they say and vice versa.

2) Set a date night and stick to it

Date night is important because it is time specifically set aside for you and your significant other to go out, eat, do your favorite activity together and just enjoy spending time with one another.

3) Do an activity that neither of you have ever done

If skydiving is on both of your bucket lists, why keep putting it off? 2017 is the year of achieving those goals you set. Doing an activity neither of you have done will be an exciting and memorable experience.

4) Enjoy some time alone

When you are married or in a relationship, a lot of your time is spent with your significant other. Every once in a while have time to yourself because independence makes you stronger as an individual, leading to a stronger relationship as a couple.

5) Make up often and quickly

Holding grudges in the relationship is never positive. All couples argue and disagree, but there comes a time where you have to realize that the relationship is more important than the fight you two had, so try to forget and forgive quicker in 2017!

6) Say, “I love you” every day

Three simple words that shows your partner how much you care and appreciate them.  There are so many ways to say and show that you love them. Make your biggest resolution be to say “I love you” in a special way to your significant other every day of 2017.

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